Saturday, April 12, 2008

polygamist ranch raided!

only in Texas! everything is bigger there, families and all.

137 children were removed from a Texas polygamy ranch.

last Thursday police raided a polygamist ranch in Texas. apparently this ranch has been running for quite some time and it was all cool because it was religion and all. turns out to be not so cool. after a 16 year old mother reached out with secret phone calls to a local shelter, authorities finally obtained a search warrant to raid the ranch.

the girl was forced sex at the age of 15 with a 49 year old man, in which she married. the girl said her husband would force her to have sex by choking and beating her until she gave in, while onlookers held her baby nearby.

it appears she contemplated running away, but stayed close in fear of losing her baby. as her younger sister approached the age of 15, she began seeking outside help to ensure that her sister didn't follow the same path.

brave little one who did a really, really good deed. job well done. that wasn't cool.

now that's church vs. state

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